Topic outline

  • EAL and Traveller (GRT) e-learning

    About these materials

    The Hampshire EMTAS EAL and Traveller e-Learning is a set of high-quality, cross-phase, interactive online training units based around catering for the needs of EAL and GRT learners. This resource is aimed at Governors, Inclusion managers, Teachers and TAs/LSAs. It has particular relevance for NQTs and trainee teachers. It is free for Hampshire maintained schools.

    The E Learning comprises a number of different units - see the course folder links to the right. Depending on your locality you may have access to some or all of the available units.

    • The materials have been developed by specialist teachers of EAL and Travellers in conjunction with senior leaders and class teachers based in local schools
    • They contain a variety of interactive learning materials supported by text, images, podcasts and video
    • There are assessable assets and free-form activities that enable learners to reflect on their current practice
    • The materials can be visited at a learner’s own pace and in their own time-frame
    • The system records progress throughout each unit
    • Completed units are certificated by the system and can form part of a learner’s CPD


    Screen shots from E Learning

    For more details about the scheme contact Sarah Coles,

    For login issues contact for support

  • Support Files

    Take a look at the available courses from the Flipbook above - click the 3 dots on the top right to play in full screen. You can also download the pdf version below for reference.

  • Roles mapping

    Which E Learning units are most suitable for staff in their different school roles? Download this helpful guide.


  • EAL E Learning on LGfL

    If your school is within the London region then you may already have free access to the vast majority of these EAL E Learning units. Follow the link below for further information.