Topic outline

  • General

    According to 2024 School Census data, in England 22.8 % of state-funded primary school pupils and 18.6% of state-funded secondary school pupils are learning English as an Additional Language (EAL). Numbers of learners of EAL in schools in England continue to increase year on year.  In a quarter of schools, there may be only 1% of children on roll who are classified as learners of EAL; in contrast, in 1 in 11 schools this classification applies to over 50% of the children on their roll.   

    Need to understand the drawbacks of deceleration and the rare occasions when it might make sense? Want to know what to think about before implementing the BELL Foundation EAL Assessment Framework? Confused about why using standardised tests with new to English new arrivals might be a bad idea?  

    This one-stop course should have everything you need to know in clearly laid out, research-informed Position Statements written by our team of Specialist Teacher Advisors.

  • EMTAS Position Statement on phonics teaching and learners of EAL

    This position statement focuses on considerations for school-based practitioners who are involved in teaching phonics to learners of English as an Additional Language.

  • EMTAS Position Statement on resourcing EAL

    This Position Statement covers underpinning principles that schools should take into account when thinking about practice and provision for their learners of EAL. It details the distinctiveness of EAL pedagogy and clarifies why TEFL/ESOL approaches are not appropriate for this group of learners. 

  • EMTAS guidance on the admission outside of the normal age group of learners of EAL

    Decisions regarding in which year group to place a child are very important. As a general rule, it is recommended that children are placed in the chronological year group which reflects their age and the support available to allow them to engage with the learning within that placement.

    All decisions around deceleration should be made with great care and with the understanding of all concerned parties of the possible impact of deceleration, which may differ from what happens in other areas of the UK and other countries.

  • EMTAS Position Statement on screening and standardised testing for learners of EAL

    The use of screening tests and standardised assessments with pupils who are in the early stages of acquiring EAL is unlikely to yield reliable results, either when the tests are conducted in English or when they are translated into first language. Find out why from the link below.

  • EMTAS Position Statement on grouping & setting for learners of EAL

    This Hampshire EMTAS Position Statement provides an overview of best practice relating to the placement of learners with EAL in ‘ability’ groups or sets in primary and secondary school settings.

  • The role of heritage languages within the educational landscape

    This Position Statement focusses on the general good practice principle for schools and other educational providers to take account of the multilingual backgrounds of their pupils and families and how schools should proactively encourage pupils to use their multilingual skills as a tool for learning across the curriculum. It highlights considerations for schools with respect to policy, practice and provision.

  • EMTAS Position Statement on withdrawal provision for learners of EAL

    Whilst it is widely accepted that the mainstream classroom setting is the best place to facilitate learners’ access to positive language models, there are a few occasions where withdrawal provision can be helpful and in keeping with EAL best practice. This position statement explores the pros and cons of Withdrawal Provision in detail.

  • EMTAS Position Statement on EAL funding

    This position statement sets out the basis on which EAL funding is determined and suggests some ways in which schools might use theirs, which would be in line with best practice.

  • EMTAS Position Statement on the Bell Foundation EAL Assessment Framework

    The BELL Foundation EAL Assessment Framework is useful for formative and summative assessment purposes, and for next-steps target-setting for EAL pupils. Read our position statement to find out about the key features and main considerations for the implementation of this EAL assessment framework.

  • Safeguarding pupil interpreters

    Whether or not they are running our Young Interpreter Scheme, most Hampshire schools will have had to rely on a child to interpret for another child or parent. This is true of schools with high numbers of learners with English as an Additional Language and of schools where these learners are more isolated. The link below looks at the research and offers clear guidance around this issue.

  • Special Education Needs/Disabilities (SEND) or bilingual?

    Lack of English should not be equated with a lack of knowledge, skill or understanding. Bilingual learners are no more likely to have special educational needs/disabilities (SEND) than any other pupil. So what factors should we consider before making firm decisions about practice and provision? Find more information in the link below.